As we are wrapping up our deep water well project in the community of Flores Rancho, our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo is busy transporting staff and heavy equipment to our next deep water well project.

Water is a Huge Challenge in Bolivia

“…in [Bolivia], the one that is most vulnerable to climate change in South America and the one that can be most affected by the lack of water on the entire continent — according to the Global Adaptation ranking by Notre Dame University in the United States — the situation will worsen with the arrival of El Niño, expected for early 2024…Seven departments in the country have already declared an emergency due to the lack of water.

“The perfect storm stalks Bolivia, the country most vulnerable to the climate crisis in South America” – El Pais article, December 12, 2023

There are currently 11 communities on Mano a Mano’s waiting list for water wells (we have 10+ communities on our waiting list for every type of infrastructure project we do), with an additional 5 communities already with signed agreements with Mano a Mano and base funding in place. As we receive more funding, we can make agreements with additional communities for future well projects that are an extremely high priority in Bolivia.

Learn More About Mano a Mano Water Projects