Just as Mano a Mano’s clinics require highly trained physicians, nurses and dentists, our water and road projects simply could not happen without skilled mechanics and machine operators. For years we recruited technicians who already had work experience; they had...
On a visit to Sancayani earlier this month, we were happy to see that our water reservoir project built nearly a decade ago is currently filled with water. Area farmers are able to have year-round access to water. Sancayani Water Reservoir In 2012, Mano a Mano...
Thanks to Devised TV for sharing the story of Mano a Mano’s aviation program in Bolivia. From their new trailer about the one-hour documentary (available on Amazon Prime Video): “Ivo Daniel Martinez is an anonymous hero. At the controls of his plane...
We were happy to be able to share some of our excess durable medical equipment with people in the Twin Cities on Saturday! This project is a collaboration with Twin Cities-area physical therapists to help distribute mobility equipment to some of their clients that...
Mano a Mano distributes medical supplies and equipment throughout Bolivia on a near-daily basis. Here are a few donations from recent weeks. Loading Supplies in Minnesota, Unloading Supplies in Bolivia The 3 containers we loaded with over 75,000 pounds of medical...