More Pictures from Wirkini Water Project Yesterday we posted a few pictures updating progress on our water project in Wirkini, Bolivia for June 2015. Last night Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo staff sent a few more photos from the project taken in the past few days. Once...
Wirkini Water Project Update – June 2015 Mano a Mano’s water reservoir project in Wirkini, Bolivia continues to progress – it is now about 50% complete. Challenges Like every water project we build, there are many difficulties to getting this project...
Mano a Mano Open House – July 30th from 4p-6p You are welcome to stop by the Mano a Mano office/warehouse to say hi to Mano a Mano Aviation pilot Ivo Martinez and his wife Carolina, who are in Minnesota from Bolivia, and also meet our newest US staff member...
Distributing Supplies in Culpina, Bolivia Mano a Mano distributed wheelchairs, crutches, and other supplies last Friday in Culpina, Bolivia. Most of the supplies went to the local hospital, and the wheelchairs and crutches went directly to children that needed them....
New Clinic in Quiroga Being Dedicated Today Tody – July 9th, 2015, Mano a Mano is dedicating a new clinic project in Quiroga, Bolivia! The base funding for this clinic came from Medical Educators for Latin America (MELA), an organization based in St. Paul, MN...