Mano a Mano was featured in the October 2021 issue of the Longfellow Nokomis Messenger: “Non-profit sends medical supplies to Bolivia – and shares surplus at home.”

Saving Medical Supplies From the Landfill in Minnesota and Putting Them to Use in Bolivia

Mano a Mano started in 1994 with the goal of saving surplus medical supplies from the landfill in Minnesota and shipping them to Bolivia, where we knew these supplies were desperately needed and could be used immediately. We have grown as an organization since then: building clinics, schools, water reservoirswells, water ponds, roads, and greenhouses in partnership with communities; providing emergency air transport; and providing health education and agricultural training programs, among other projects. But distributing medical supplies and equipment continues to be a critical component of our work.

Learn More About Mano a Mano’s Recovered Resources Program