Mano a Mano has completed drilling a deep water well in Waca Playa to a depth of 115 meters (377 feet). The well is yielding more than sixty gallons of water per minute.
Construction Photos – Waca Playa Deep Water Well

Mano a Mano equipment delivered to the well site. Drilling the deep well requires five pieces of equipment: the drilling rig with mast; trailer with sludge pump; support truck that transports all supplies; onsite pickup to transport staff and needed parts; engineer’s pickup for travel from one work site to another; small trailer for staff meals, meetings and space for the watchman.

We pumped bentonite into the bore hole during drilling to keep gravel from falling in and to make sure the sides remained intact. When drilling was complete, we pumped bentonite out of the well and into the slurry pool. The project engineer delivered 10 gallons of additive to the slurry pool site; it will help loosen the bentonite which had been pumped into the well during the drilling process. The final step involves running the pump for at least 48 hours to fully cleanse bentonite and other impurities from the well water.

We cut thousands of slots into these 8 section of tubing through which water will filter into the pump area. This large number of slots will guarantee reliable filtration for at least 25 years. An additional 10 pipes are installed above the slotted pipes to carry water to the surface.

10 cubic yards of finely selected gravel were purchased, delivered to the site, and fed around the outside of the tubing all the way to the bottom of the well. This gravel filters and acts as storage for the water.
Learn More About Mano a Mano Water Projects
- Making Progress on a Deep Water Well in Waca Playa (June 2022; also shows a step-by-step of building a well)
- Halfway Through 2022: Working Together to Help Bolivian Communities
- Improving the Water Well at Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture in Cochabamba, Bolivia
- Wirkini Water Reservoir Full of Water (May 2022)
- World Water Day 2022: Partnering with Bolivian Communities to Improve Access to Water