Thanks to the City of Minnetonka for hosting their Special Community Drop-off Day on Saturday, September 10th! We were grateful to be the recipients of mobility equipment donated at the event, and collected 64 pieces of mobility equipment and 198 pounds of miscellaneous medical supplies (688 total pounds of donated items).

The mobility equipment included 5 wheelchairs, 20 pairs of crutches, 16 walkers, 2 knee walkers, 10 pieces of bed and bath aids, and 11 canes. (Mobility equipment is in high demand and short supply for us – here is a list of items we are looking for.)

Collecting Supplies at the Minnetonka Drop-off Day on Saturday

Thanks to the Mano a Mano staff, volunteers, and interns that helped out on Saturday!

What Does Mano a Mano Do With These Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment?

Mano a Mano collects donated medical supplies, mobility equipment, and other in-demand items and ships them to Bolivia, where they are distributed to people and organizations throughout the country. We also provide items for organizations working in other countries and to individuals in the Twin Cities.

Mano a Mano volunteers loaded 3 containers with 68,797 pounds of supplies at our St. Paul, Minnesota warehouse in late July that are currently on their way to Bolivia. We have sent 6 containers with 148,495 pounds of supplies from Minnesota to Bolivia in 2022. Supplies donated in Minnetonka on Saturday will be included in a shipment in the coming months.

In Minnesota, Mano a Mano collects donated medical supplies and equipment for shipment to Bolivia, where we distribute them to people and organizations in need throughout the country.

Learn More About Mano a Mano’s Recovered Resources Program