Once the spring passed, Mano a Mano volunteers began to create our pollinator garden on the west side of our 925 Pierce Butler Route office/warehouse. Our volunteer landscape artist Ellen ordered hardy, native plants, which were selected because they attract bees and butterflies. She and others have done much prep work, followed by planting the first section of the garden.

Step by Step Progress

Together we:

  • Constructed a 3-sided compost bin and filled it with decayed organic material and leaves (soon we will have an information sign on the side of this bin);
  • Installed three connected rain barrels from which we have drawn water for the garden;
  • Prepared a depression to capture roof water run-off and slow its flow through the garden;
  • Laid cardboard to smother the grass on the first plot, then covered it with compost and mulch;
  • Punched holes in the mulch-covered cardboard;
  • Inserted the labeled pollinator plants;
  • Stood back to enjoy the results of this labor and make plans for the design and planting of the next section of the garden.


The photos show the progression of the work:

Thanks to the Awesome Foundation for the gift in support of Mano a Mano’s pollinator garden! Watching this project unfold has been exciting and gratifying for everyone who has taken part in it.

About The Awesome Foundation

The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time.

Each fully autonomous chapter supports awesome projects through micro-grants, usually given out monthly. These micro-grants, $1000 or the local equivalent, come out of pockets of the chapter’s “trustees” and are given on a no-strings-attached basis to people and groups working on awesome projects.

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