Mano a Mano is making progress on a deep water well project in Mamanaca, Bolivia – recently reaching a depth of 48 meters (157 feet).

Drilling deep wells in Bolivia takes many pieces of heavy equipment.

Mano a Mano’s deep well drilling equipment working on the well in Mamanaca, Bolivia.

How Mano a Mano Partners With Bolivian Communities to Provide Access to Water

For Mano a Mano, our mission is “Partnering together – Hand in Hand – to transform the health and well-being of Bolivian communities in need.” Communities approach us and ask us to partner with them on the projects that reflect the biggest needs in their communities. Improving their access to water is one of their main requests. (There are currently 30+ communities on our waiting list for water projects.) With the purchase of well-drilling equipment a few years ago, Mano a Mano is now able to drill surface and deep wells, to provide communities with clean drinking water.

Learn More About Mano a Mano Water Projects