On October 26th, our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo dedicated a 6-story water tank in Chirusi Rosario, Bolivia. The tank will distribute well water to each of the 212 households in the community. The well was completed by Mano a Mano in March 2022, in partnership with the community, Rotary Club of Duluth Harbortown, and many partnering rotary clubs from Rotary District 5580.

The dedication was attended by Mano a Mano, Rotary members from Cochabamba Norte, the mayor of Punata, the mayor of Cliza, leaders from both municipalities, and the community. Community leaders shared their gratitude and happiness to have this water project complete.

The dedication was attended by Mano a Mano, Rotary members from Cochabamba Norte, the mayor of Punata, the mayor of Cliza, leaders from both municipalities, and the community.

Ivo Velasquez addressing the community during the dedication of their water tank – and always reminding everyone of the importance of working together, the only way to make these projects possible and successful long-term.

Dedicating the Chirusi Rosario water tower, October 26th, 2022.

Chirusi Rosario 6-Story Water Tower

Dedication Photos – October 26th, 2022

Construction Photos

Learn More About Mano a Mano Water Projects