We were so happy to be able to host 12 Mano a Mano visitors from Bolivia at our St. Paul warehouse yesterday! They are in the US this week to celebrate Van Miguel Martínez Velásquez’ graduation from a virtual engineering IT masters program in Texas later this week (congratulations Van!), but they made sure to travel to Minnesota for a few days.

Mano a Mano’s mission is: “Partnering together – Hand in Hand – to transform the health and well-being of Bolivian communities in need.” In this picture above, we have staff and Board Members from Mano a Mano International (US office); staff and Board Members from Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo; staff from Mano a Mano Internacional and Mano a Mano Aviation; local Mano a Mano volunteers, at least 7 of whom have been in Bolivia with us within the past year; our Spring 2023 Public Health intern from St. Catherine University; and many Bolivian family members that are (of course) Mano a Mano volunteers. (Staff from Mano a Mano Bolivia also were in the office yesterday for a meeting, after wrapping up their 14th International Acute Care Conference in Cochabamba in late April.)

It wouldn’t be a Mano a Mano visit, whether in Minnesota or Bolivia, without putting in a little work!

It takes many people in many places, working together on behalf of Bolivian communities, and it’s always great to have the opportunity to share our day-to-day work with each other. Even though many of us talk/text/email all the time, it just isn’t the same as being able to connect in-person.

Recent Mano a Mano Trips/Events