Mano a Mano staff visited our Wirkini water reservoir project last week and took some drone footage – the reservoir is currently nearly full with water. The reservoir project was started in 2012 and completed in 2016; it provides irrigation water to at least 341 Bolivian farm families in the area and irrigates 269 hectares of land (average family size is 6, for a total number of beneficiaries of 2,046). Water is typically only available in the Bolivian Highlands for the 2-3 month rainy season, and the rest of the year is a struggle for farmers to have water access for their crops and livestock. These water reservoir projects retain water and provide water access year-round, which allows for farmers to grow more and better crops, which in turn increases family nutrition and household incomes.
Wirkini Water Reservoir – More Information
“As soon as he had done that, all the people who were lined up on the edges of the channel erupted in a cheer as water began to flow out of a hole from the reservoir. They watched the water flow through the concrete, and a few ran down the mountain at top speed, following the water for as long as they could.
For all of those watching and cheering, the water that they now have access to is incredibly important. After Bolivia’s worst drought in 25 years, crops nationwide have been lost. The communities that Wirkini helps are no exception.
Now, that’s all changed.“
Mano a Mano volunteer Sam Klein attended the dedication and wrote about it here.
- Farmers and Mano a Mano Celebrate Wirkini Water Reservoir Dedication
- Video: Wirkini Community Talks About Their New Water Reservoir
- Families Benefiting from the Wirkini Water Reservoir
- Note from Mano a Mano co-founder Segundo Velasquez from the dedication
- Pictures & information from August when construction was being finalized
- Post from volunteer Sam Klein about a site visit to Wirkini in September
Video Credit: William Wroblewski
Pictures from Construction – 2012-2016
Pictures from Dedication – October 19, 2016
A woman celebrates the Wirkini reservoir’s completion. The project now provides water to 350 families. The Wirkini Water Reservoir, east of Cochabamba, was dedicated on Oct. 18. It represents four years of Mano a Mano’s work. Farmers watch the ceremony from on top of the reservoir’s levee. Local women celebrate during the dedication of the Wirkini reservoir in October 2016. Music, food, and dancing followed the ceremony. The mayor’s speech complete, everyone at the dedication prepares to watch water begin flowing. A farmer prepares the wheel that controls water flow. Community members who will be helped by the reservoir applaud the water flow. Farmers look on excitedly as water begins flowing. Mano a Mano volunteer Ray Wiedmeyer (left) and Mano a Mano co-founder Segundo Velasquez watch the celebration of Mano a Mano’s water reservoir in Wirkini, October 2016. Tiraque’s mayor speaks before the water starts to flow. Mano a Mano staffmember Boris Rodriguez speaks at the dedication.