The 1,100-meter-long Mano a Mano runway at Laguna Sulti is taking shape, with one layer compacted on top of another. The solid bottom layer, referred to as the foundation, could serve as a viable runway, but not one that would withstand the traffic volume that this runway will serve over the long-term. Before the runway is finished next year it will have three more layers: a subbase layer of machine-compacted, sifted (small sized) river rock; a base layer of crushed river rock; and a final layer of asphalt.

The foundation of Mano a Mano’s new runway at Laguna Sulti.

Crushing River Rock

During November, Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo staff has been laser-focused on crushing the larger river rock required for the base layer. To reach this point, our mechanics completed preventive maintenance at our Cochabamba machine shop on our recently purchased rock crusher and hauled it to the runway site.

At the same time our machine operators hauled tons of river rock to the runway site and mounded it into accessible rows.

Excavator picks up full load of strategically mounded river rock.

Four operators run the crusher from dawn to dusk. Together, they crush 11 dump truck loads of class 5 rock every day.

Rock crusher and four machine operators at work.

Rock crusher and four machine operators at work.

Panorama of the Project

Thirty Staff Members Working on the Project

Thirty staff members – mechanics, machine operators, and engineers – are pressing forward to keep the equipment working and spare parts available, coordinating the crushing, loading, transporting, and compacting tasks as precisely as a choreographed dance.

Bucket by bucket the front end loader fills dump trucks that will spread the rock on the runway.

Their common goal: to finish compacting the crushed rock layer of the runway before seasonal rains begin in December.

Celebrating the Expansion of Laguna Sulti Water Reservoir & Beginning of Punata Regional Complex

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