Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo is constructing an elevated water tank that will collect drinking water for the community of Chirusi, located in the municipality of Punata, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Each of the 212 families of Chirusi anxiously awaits this tower that will store the water that we need to live, says Juan Carlos, who has a contract to build the cement tower.

The Chirusi community does not have water connected to their homes. For the first time they will have access to clean and sufficient water for the entire community, their animals, and enough to irrigate a family garden where the families plan to produce vegetables to improve the nutrition of the entire family. The water well, drilled by Mano a Mano, is located two kilometers away from the town of Chirusi. Although the cost of connecting to their homes will be higher, the entire community decided to locate the well at this distance because they know that the water there is the best source.

Working on the water tower in Chirusi, March 2022.

Juan Carlos, the master builder who has the contract to build this project, is a member of the water board for the town of Chirusi. As the treasurer of this water association, he is happy to have the contract and jobs for the town people. To assure themselves they would get the contract for this project and the jobs, they decided to lower the cost of building the project. Juan Carlos is employing four young men from the community who are happy to have the jobs and excited that soon, they will  have access to water for their households.

Chirusi Elevated Water Tank – Construction Photos

How Mano a Mano Partners with Bolivian Communities to Provide Access to Water

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