Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia is hosting its 15th Acute Care Conference in November! These Acute Care Conferences are in partnership with Medical Educators for Latin America (MELA) and are accredited with local Bolivian medical organizations. A nursing-focused conference will take place on November 6th and 7th in Cochabamba, and a doctor-focused conference will follow on November 8-10.

Continuing Health Education

A critical component of Mano a Mano’s health programs in Bolivia is to provide health education: to communities through weekend health clinics providing basic services; to Mano a Mano’s clinic staff through continuing health education workshops; and to medical professionals from other organizations. These programs are managed and administered by Mano a Mano Bolivia, and serve a complementary role to the construction of community clinics throughout rural Bolivia.
- 2024 Health Education Workshop Schedule
- Health Education Workshop: Training Physicians to Use Bakri Balloons in Bolivia (April 2024)
- International Health Education Conference (April 2024)
- Pictures from 5th Course of Advanced Trauma Support in Cochabamba, Bolivia (November 2023)
- Dedicating a New Health Clinic and New School in Bolivia (September 2024)