Workshop Topics at the Center for Ecological Agriculture

One of the focus programs at Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture is providing training workshops for rural Bolivian communities that help improve their farming knowledge & techniques. Our staff at Mano a Mano Internacional has put together the banners below that they use during their workshops, which give a high-level overview of the topics covered during each of the 5 workshops.

Workshop 1 – Environmental Issues & Agroecological Principles

Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 11.56.08 AM

Workshop 2 – Ecological Soil Management & Irrigation Techniques

Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 11.56.30 AM

Workshop 3 – Ecological Management of Plagues and Diseases

Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 11.56.49 AM

Workshop 4 – Production and Management of Gardens in Greenhouses

Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 11.57.05 AM

Workshop 5 – Nutrition & Healthy Eating

Screenshot 2017-04-03 at 11.57.20 AM

More Information about Workshops

Farmers in Huputana participating in an activity listing all of the food that they know and their nutritional qualities during a Nutrition workshop with Mano a Mano agronomist Victor (center).

Farmers in Huputana participating in an activity listing all of the food that they know and their nutritional qualities during a Nutrition workshop with Mano a Mano agronomist Victor (center).