Wirkini Water Reservoir Filling With Water

Providing Access to Water in Wirkini, Bolivia

Work continues on Mano a Mano’s large-scale water reservoir in Wirkini, Bolivia. Wirkini is a small community located in the Province of Tiraque, Department of Cochabamba, and is about 12,700 feet above sea level in the Bolivian Altiplano.

Wirkini, Bolivia.

Wirkini, Bolivia.

The reservoir will provide irrigation water to at least 341 Bolivian farm families in the area and irrigate 269 hectares of land (average family size is 6, for a total number of beneficiaries of 2,046). Water is typically only available in the Bolivian Highlands for the 2-3 month rainy season, and the rest of the year is a struggle for farmers to have water access for their crops and livestock. These water reservoir projects retain water and provide water access year-round, which allows for farmers to grow more and better crops, which in turn increases family nutrition and household incomes.

This project is being overseen by Mano a Mano’s counterpart organization Nuevo Mundo, with active participation from the community and local municipality. Mano a Mano staff work under very difficult conditions, and we are always impressed by their commitment and dedication!

More Information About Wirkini Water Reservoir

Wirkini water reservoir.

Wirkini water reservoir.