Visiting the Wirkini Water Reservoir

Our co-founder Segundo Velasquez is currently in Bolivia, and he recently stopped by our current water project under construction – a water reservoir in Wirkini, Bolivia. He sent the following note about his visit:

I visited the Wirkini project and continue to be amazed at the commitment and dedication of our people.

Wirkini water reservoir.

Levee of the Wirkini water reservoir.

The levee continues to climb even though the fill material is being transported from 10 kilometers away. Literally a mountain is being cut down to remove the good fill dirt we need for the levee. During my visit, I encountered four of our trucks transporting fill material.

And in that short distance they have to climb and descend the famous “wagangui” (” it will make you cry”  mountain).

Wirkini water reservoir.

Wirkini water reservoir.

The work we are doing is desperately needed and the conditions we are working in are poor. We lack a decent encampment and the weather is unforgiving.  I attached a photo that shows how the weather changed in the one minute I was taking photos.

The weather changes rapidly at 12,700 feet above sea level.

The weather changes rapidly at 12,700 feet above sea level.

I brought the LP heater.  I will urge that Ivo implement it so workers can, at least, warm up during their breaks.

More Information About Wirkini Water Reservoir