On Saturday, September 3rd our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Aviation loaded our Cessna Caravan with 2,000 pounds of food supplies for transport to Oromomo, a small community in the Beni department. On the way back to Cochabamaba we transported a group of medical workers that had been in the area.

Supplies ready to transport to Oromomo at the Cochabamba airport, September 3rd, 2022.

Supplies being inspected by FELCN (La Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Narcotráfico). After loading everything onto the plane at our hangar, we have to unload everything for inspection on the platform by airport officials before refilling the supplies onto plane and being approved for takeoff – standard procedure for every flight. Our pilot Ivo talks about the process at the airport in this video here.

Cargo arriving in Oromomo and being unloaded from the plane.

Kids in Oromomo.

Aviation Program in Bolivia

Mano a Mano’s aviation program has 2 primary programs working with Bolivian communities that have minimal access to health care: emergency rescue of ill and injured individuals, transporting them to urban hospitals for life-saving treatment; and weekend clinics for which we transport volunteer health care professionals into remote areas to provide primary medical & dental care. We also transport cargo, including food supplies (like this recent flight to Oromomo), and medical supplies & equipment sent from Minnesota.

Learn More About Mano a Mano’s Aviation Program