Mano a Mano recently received a very nice thank you and acknowledgment from the Comite Cívico of Moxos, Trinidad, Bolivia (the government of the region) thanking Mano a Mano for our work in their community, especially during this time of COVID-19.
We are pleased that Mano a Mano, as an organization, was able to respond (and continue to respond) to this disaster in many ways: distributing medical supplies and equipment, providing aviation flights to airlift COVID-infected patients, and flying COVID tests.
(The picture featured above of the Mano a Mano plane on a flight to the Bolivian Amazon was taken in 2019.)

“The Civic Committee of the Moxos Province, gives thanks to Mano a Mano for their great humanity, support, and collaboration in these most difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which battered our Province – saving lives and always being there to help. We can’t thank you enough for your willingness to collaborate with our people most in need. May god bless you and reward your goodness.”
– San Ignacio de Moxos, October 2020
Mano a Mano Aviation Program
Our aviation program makes it possible for Mano a Mano to partner with and provide urgently needed services to isolated rural communities whose distance from the city would otherwise prohibit their inclusion in Mano a Mano’s projects.
Other Thank-You Letters from San Ignacio de Moxos

From another area of Moxos: