This Saturday, October 12 more than 300 St. Kate’s students, alumnae, staff and faculty will be volunteering with nonprofits in the Twin Cities and other locations throughout the country, including Mano a Mano.

This is our first year being a part of this event, but we have been happy to have had dozens of St. Kate’s students and faculty volunteer with Mano a Mano over the past year.

St. Kate's students sorting medical supplies at the Mano a Mano warehouse in March 2013

St. Kate’s students sorting medical supplies at the Mano a Mano warehouse in March 2013

Opus Prize

This is Mano a Mano’s first year working with St. Kate’s as part of this event, and builds on last year after being a finalist for the Opus Prize and receiving a $100,000 award at a ceremony at St. Kate’s last November.

From the St. Kate’s website about the upcoming Citizen Katie day and Mano a Mano:

Mano a Mano was a finalist of last year’s Opus Prize – hosted by St. Kate’s – which gave $1 million to the organization of an “unsung hero” performing humanitarian work. Segundo Velasquez, the founder of Mano a Mano was one of the finalists awarded $100,000 for his organization. On Saturday, volunteers will be packaging medical supplies to send to Bolivia.


“We are thrilled that one of the honorees’ organizations has a local presence so that we may continue the relationship through community service efforts like Citizen Katie,” says Bea Abdallah, vice president for External Relations.

Mano a Mano’s Presentation at the Opus Prize Ceremony