Rowboat for Silent Auction Coming Along Nicely…
As part of Mano a Mano’s upcoming Festival Bolivia event on April 23rd, there will be a silent auction, which includes a 12-foot rowboat being built from scratch by Anthony Schmitz – custom Kayak builder and Mano a Mano volunteer. (Check out Frogtown Kayak to learn more about Tony.)
Silent Auction Items Welcomed
We are looking for items large and small. Do you have something you would like to contribute? Please contact our office: [email protected] or 651-457-3141.
Festival Bolivia 2016 – Back to Our Roots: Branching Out to Our MN Neighbors on April 23rd, 2016
Join Mano a Mano on April 23rd, 2016 for our 7th annual event ‘Festival Bolivia 2016 – Back to Our Roots: Branching Out to Our MN Neighbors’ at the Earle Brown Heritage Center. Come celebrate & support our surplus distribution program, a small seed of an idea that has grown into a flourishing community development organization.
CLICK HERE for more information about the event – tickets are now available.