Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo has been working on a road improvement project in Omereque, Bolivia – partnering with the Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Omereque (Municipal Government of Omereque) to improve and maintain 220 kilometers (136 miles) of roads in Omereque and the surrounding communities.

Why Roads?

For isolated rural communities in Bolivia, limited road infrastructure seriously impedes their ability to travel: to bring their goods to market; to access basic services like health and education; and to safely and efficiently connect outside of their community. They regularly approach Mano a Mano requesting our help to improve their roads and ultimately improve their communities overall.

Every project Mano a Mano does begins with a request from the community, and our partnership agreement details the responsibility of everyone involved in each project that we do.

Partnering with Omereque

Mano a Mano has partnered with the municipality of Omereque many times over the years on a variety of projects, from 153 small water ponds for rural farmers, to clinics, to schools, to airplane runways and pedestrian bridges.

Mano a Mano Road Projects

Since our inception, Mano a Mano has constructed or improved more than 1,200 miles of roads helping isolated communities connect to larger markets. Travel time can be reduced from days to a few hours.

Other Current Road & Water Projects Underway

Dedicating the Laguna Sulti water reservoir expansion – March 16th, 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic and Bolivian quarantine has heavily impacted our construction projects for 2020. But Nuevo Mundo has worked when they are able. We currently have water well projects, a large water reservoir in Laguna Carmen, and a runway in Toro Toro underway.