Dedicating the Laguna Sulti Water Reservoir Expansion
On Monday, March 16th, 2020, our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo dedicated the expansion of the Laguna Sulti water reservoir. The reservoir was originally built by Mano a Mano in 2008, and work on expanding the reservoir began in 2019. With the additional water, the 600 current Association families will be able to increase the amount of land they till and add 98 new families (588 people) from nearby communities. Expansion will approximately double the number of irrigated acres.
The dedication had to be a much smaller event, with only a small number of Mano a Mano staff and community leaders present due to the coronavirus (and before the 14-day quarantine began in Bolivia). But we were happy to be able to celebrate the completion of this project!
Laguna Sulti Reservoir Panorama and Dedication
Mano a Mano Water Projects
Access to water is a high priority for everyone. Mano a Mano partners with rural Bolivian communities to complete water projects that provide more consistent access to water for themselves, crops, and livestock. The type of project varies depending on the size, location, and geography of the community.
Over the past decade, Mano a Mano has constructed or improved 400 farm ponds; 52 surface wells in communities near rivers; 5 deep wells; and 9 large water reservoirs, providing water to more than 50,000.