The last piece left for Mano a Mano’s 5-story office building – adding the roof for the open meeting space on the top floor – is now complete! Each of Mano a Mano’s five counterpart organizations started as a pilot project, “living” in the home of that organization’s founders until it was firmly established. With this office building on the outskirts of Cochabamba, each organization will have accomplished a major milestone: each has its own permanent space.

The top floor will be used for meetings, gatherings for visitors, training courses, and workshops. Having permanent office space for the Mano a Mano organizations in Bolivia moves us another step forward in the long-term sustainability of the organization as a whole.

Installing the roof at the Mano a Mano office building

In order for Mano a Mano to work with Bolivian communities on the projects they request, we need to have the capacity to do so. Everything we do to improve the sustainability of Mano a Mano as an organization makes it possible to do more with the Bolivian communities that we partner with. We have come a long ways as an organization since 1994, and we look forward to the future!

A Few Examples of What We Do in This Office Building