As staff from our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo were returning to Cochabamba from Laguna Sulti, they saw a woman that was having some difficulty walking down the street with her cane. After stopping to talk with her, we asked if she wanted to try out a walker to see if that worked better than her cane but she declined, saying she couldn’t afford one. We gave her the walker we had in our car. She thanked us and walked away, happy.
Shipping Medical Supplies from Minnesota to Bolivia
Mano a Mano collects surplus medical supplies and equipment in Minnesota that are destined for the landfill and ships them to Bolivia, where we know they can be put to good use. In 2020, Mano a Mano shipped 7 containers with 175,777 pounds of medical supplies, mobility equipment, and other items from Minnesota to Bolivia for distribution to people and organizations in need throughout the country. That includes 2,175 walkers, including this walker donated yesterday in Laguna Sulti.