On June 25th, 2024 Mano a Mano hosted a distribution event for 25 health centers (2 3rd-level hospitals, 1 2nd-level hospital, and 22 1st-level clinics) from throughout Bolivia at our Cochabamba space to receive medical supplies and equipment. All of these supplies are shipped from Minnesota, where they were destined for US landfills; instead they get put to good use for Bolivian people and organizations that can put these supplies to good use.

Photos: Distributing Medical Supplies and Equipment for 25 Health Centers Throughout Bolivia

Health Centers Receiving Supplies and Equipment on June 25th, 2024

  1. Centro de salud Esquilán grande
  2. Materno infantil Juan Manuel Jijena 
  3. Hospital Virgen de Chaguaya
  4. Laboratorio Sedes Tarija
  5. Hospital San Juan de Dios
  6. Hospital San Juan de Dios área de fisioterapia 
  7. Banco de Sangre
  8. Intraid (psiquiátrico) 
  9. Hospital municipal Guarayos 
  10. Puesto de salud Nueva Jerusalén
  11. Puesto de salud Santa María
  12. Puesto de salud Santa Rosa
  13. Puesto de salud San Andrés
  14. Puesto de salud San Pablo
  15. Puesto de salud San Antonio
  16. Puesto de salud Cerro Grande
  17. Centro penitenciario El abra
  18. Centro penitenciario San Pedro
  19. Centro penitenciario San Antonio
  20. Centro penitenciario San Sebastián varones
  21. Centro penitenciario San Sebastián mujeres
  22. Escuela militar de equitación del ejército
  23. Puesto de salud Lacaya
  24. Centro de salud Corazón de María
  25. Centro de salud Janco Janco

Hospital Materno Infantil “Dr. Juan Manuel Jijena” Thanks Mano a Mano for Supplies & Equipment

The director of Hospital Materno Infantil “Dr. Juan Manuel Jijena” in Tarija, Bolivia thanks Mano a Mano for providing supplies and equipment for its programs at a distribution event at Mano a Mano’s Cochabamba warehouse on June 25th.

4 Departments of Bolivia Were Represented

  • Cochabamba
  • Tarija
  • Santa Cruz
  • Potosí

Words of Thanks

Mano a Mano’s Recovered Resources Program

Mano a Mano sent 9 containers with 228,954 pounds of medical supplies, mobility equipment, and other in-demand items from Minnesota to Bolivia in 2023, with 3 more containers sent so far in 2024, and more to come (a shipment of 4 containers is in the works for this month)!