A Beautiful Day To Be Working Outside
It’s a beautiful day to be working outside!
Mano a Mano volunteers sorted donated supplies outside at the Mano a Mano warehouse this morning, which will be shipped to Bolivia in the next few months.
Distributing Supplies in Bolivia Last Week
A few times a year, Mano a Mano staff and volunteers in Cochabamba organize large-scale distributions of supplies, where dozens of organizations come to our warehouse on one day to receive supplies (like this one in October 2016).
We are preparing for the next distribution event soon, but we also regularly distribute smaller amounts of supplies on nearly a daily basis. Here are two from last week:
Video: Distributing Supplies in San Ignacio de Moxos
The Municipality of San Ignacio de Moxos in the department of Beni, Bolivia made a video showing the donation and reception of medical supplies from Mano a Mano for use in 32 health centers in the area, including Hospital 3 de Noviembre in March: