68 Photos from March 2019 Trip to Bolivia

Check out a few pictures from Mano a Mano’s recent trip to Bolivia in March. Co-Founder Segundo Velasquez and a group of travelers from Minnesota went to meet high Andean subsistence farm families, become immersed in their daily lives, and learn how Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture integrates its health, water, and food production programs to create more sustainable rural communities.

Bolivian countryside outside of Cochabamba

Cutting the ribbon on new community greenhouses in Sacabamba

Photo Album on Facebook (Click Here)

Trip Highlights

Carnival in Cochabamba

To highlight just a few of their activities during the 9-day trip, the group:

Special thanks to Paul Rogne for these great photos!

Mano a Mano & Community Leaders speaking at the dedication of the Laguna Carmen well.