Travel to Bolivia with Mano a Mano: March 9-18, 2019

Mano a Mano invites you to join us on a nine-day trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia. Through this unique travel experience you will meet high Andean subsistence farm families and become immersed in their daily lives. You will learn how Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture integrates its health, water, and food production programs to create more sustainable rural communities.

The deadline for securing a spot on this trip is January 15, 2019.

Get the Trip Information Packet to Learn More

Click the link below for a PDF with 7 pages of detailed information about the March 2019 trip:

Mano a Mano Trip to Bolivia – March 2019 Trip Packet

Questions? Contact Us

The trip packet above covers most aspects of the trip, but if you are interested and have any questions, or would like more information about anything, please contact Carmen (email: [email protected] or phone: 651-457-3141).

What is the Purpose of this Trip?

A trip to Bolivia with Mano a Mano can be a life-changing event. On this trip, we will learn first-hand about how Bolivians grow the food they eat and sell. We will meet subsistence farmers who manage to survive in their high mountain communities with meager material resources and witness their determination to remain on their land and improve life for their children.

In late September 2018, 8 community residents worked on building the walls for the community greenhouses being built with Mano a Mano; they are starting to take shape! Mano a Mano has been working on completing these large community greenhouses in Sacabamba, Bolivia over the past few months. Each community greenhouse is the equivalent of 7-8 normal greenhouses. This project is a collaboration between Mano a Mano, the municipal government of Sacabamba, the local community, and volunteers from Oxford Development Abroad.

In late September 2018, 8 community residents worked on building the walls for the community greenhouses being built with Mano a Mano; they are starting to take shape! Mano a Mano has been working on completing these large community greenhouses in Sacabamba, Bolivia over the past few months. Each community greenhouse is the equivalent of 7-8 normal greenhouses. This project is a collaboration between Mano a Mano, the municipal government of Sacabamba, the local community, and volunteers from Oxford Development Abroad.

We will talk with farmers and market vendors, as well as with agronomists, global development activists and other professionals. For travelers concerned about global food and water scarcity and equitable distribution of resources, the trip will provide an up-close view of how Mano a Mano teaches farming practices that protect the fragile natural environment and improve health.

We also want travelers to see how Mano a Mano distributes the nearly 200,000 pounds of medical and school supplies that Minnesota volunteers collect, sort, pack and ship to our Bolivian sister organizations each year.

What Travelers from Previous Trips Have to Say

  • “It was such a good education on how to do development work. Segundo is the best guide in the world. His ability to convey the history and culture in a manner that was relevant and understandable for our group was totally amazing.” – Debbie Hadas
  • “The trip met every expectation I had and much more.” – Dave Smith

Pictures from Mano a Mano’s March 2018 Trip to Bolivia

Peg Thomas traveled to Bolivia with Mano a Mano as part of our March 2018 trip.

Video Tour: Center for Ecological Agriculture