Yesterday was our second Saturday of books and games with the kids of Sancayani. Along with big bags full of mandarinas, bananas and bread, we loaded a few heavy boxes full of books into the back of the car and drove up to 14,000 feet to meet them in their schoolyard....
Yesterday local residents in El Palmar held an Agriculture Fair to show off their crops. The Fair was a huge event; the governor of the department was in attendance, as well as a number of local mayors. There were horse races and other games, and judges were there to...
Next week a group of travelers will be going to Bolivia with Mano a Mano, including Monica Geocaris and her family. Monica took a few minutes last week to talk about why she chose to go the trip. You can listen to the interview here.
Mano a Mano is currently working on a large water reservoir in Sancayani, Bolivia, which is being done in close collaboration with the entire community, as all of our projects are. In order to involve the younger children, recently 60 students and 5 local...
Over the weekend Mano a Mano volunteers helped load 2 containers with nearly 75,000 pounds of medical supplies and construction equipment. The containers will be shipped to Bolivia, where the medical supplies will be distributed to our network of 120 health clinics...
After writing about recent Mano a Mano flights in Bolivia, we received an update on another emergency flight yesterday in the Beni region of Bolivia. A 20 year old woman with congestive heart and kidney failure was unable to receive sufficient treatment at the...