Today is UN-Water World Water Day! United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that “water holds the key to sustainable development, we must work together to protect and carefully manage this fragile, finite resource.”

Water is an important focus for Mano a Mano; we have built 6 large agricultural water reservoirs and 153 water ponds, which benefit 24,039 rural Bolivians. We have also built community bathrooms and laundry facilities in 47 communities alongside many of our clinic projects.

2012 Water Projects

Check out some of our water projects from 2012 here; last year we completed 3 large water reservoirs, as well as began construction on a demonstration and training center where we will train farmers on best practices for their water projects.

“Water is Life”

We are often told by Bolivian farmers that “water is life.” In Bolivia, lack of means to retain rain water and snow melt during the rainy season for use during the lengthy dry season results in stunted crop growth and, during especially dry years, near total crop failure and insufficient water to sustain livestock. Farmers plant few, if any, vegetable crops during the dry season because they must carry water to them from distant water sources. Together, these problematic circumstances result in failure to meet the nutritional and economic needs of the local population.

With a water project, there can be a constant source of water throughout the year, and farmers are able to improve yield and grow crops such as vegetables that would otherwise be impossible, improving nutrition for their families and providing a larger harvest to sell at markets.

Selling crops at a market day in Omereque, Bolivia

Selling crops at a market day in Omereque, Bolivia, where Mano a Mano has constructed 153 water ponds

Check out more pictures of our water projects on our Facebook page.