Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Internacional entered into a formal partnership agreement with the teacher training college Normal Simon Bolivar. Based on this agreement, Mano a Mano presents conceptual map pedagogy to Normal students, training them to use these maps as teaching tools that can be applied to any subject matter. Groups of 25-50 students each take part in sets of five workshops, the first taught at Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA), the next four at the Normal campus. In return, the Normal school provides products needed to support the operations of the CEA.

This week, a total of 48 students are attending their second set of workshops at the Normal’s Sacaba campus, located about 10 miles from Cochabamba.

Ben Martinez teaches the workshops that focus on conceptual maps; he co-managed the Mano a Mano pilot project that prepared us to embark on this project. The session pictured below focused on use of the “double bubble” map to teach fourth grade biology. The next session focused on math. Once the concepts were presented, the students discussed examples of lesson plans with each other and then created their own.

Students said the material was very useful, that they wished they had known about these conceptual tools when they first started their training. Several requested that Mano a Mano design classroom wall banners that illustrate the various types of maps. “We want to hang them on our classroom walls where students will see them.  We will use them every day in our teaching.” So banners were created, printed, and distributed.

Learn More About Mano a Mano Internacional Programs in Cochabamba