The Project

Last month 9 teachers from the US traveled to Bolivia as part of a teacher exchange pilot program that we are working on, where teachers from the US and Bolivia can meet and discuss education challenges to teaching in both countries and share some of the solutions they have developed with each other. The pilot project took part in Arani, Bolivia, a small community of 3,500 about 65 kilometers SE of Cochabamba.

Arani, Bolivia

Arani, Bolivia

Workshop Sessions

Mano a Mano volunteers gave 3 4-hour workshop sessions on teaching language and math skills for the 75 teachers from the 5 primary schools there.


International Certification

This program is now certified at the Departmental level in Bolivia, and everyone who participated received international certification, which is a great addition to their resumes and can help them in their careers. “This is what we needed…this gives us more motivation and is a wakeup” we were told by many of the teachers.


More Pictures of the Project

We are happy that this went so well, and special thanks to the US and Bolivia staff & volunteers that made this happen!

Check out more pictures of the trip on Mano a Mano’s Facebook page.