Nice to see this picture of St. Kate’s Public Health BA/BS students volunteering at Mano a Mano this past semester!

From the most recent St. Kate’s Public Health Spring 2023 newsletter:
“Mano a Mano is a long-time community partner that works to create partnerships with impoverished Bolivian communities that improve health and increase economic well-being. One student reflected: “Many times the actions taken by organizations can be distant from their stated mission, but I could see how hands-on Mano a Mano was in their cause. A key challenge for Mano a Mano is funding since it’s a non-profit, which makes it challenging to sustain its global health efforts at a maximum level.”
We are Grateful to St. Kate’s for the Many Ways We Work Together
Over the years, Mano a Mano has been grateful to work together with St. Kate’s in many different ways: internships through St. Kate’s Community Work and Learning; student volunteer groups; site visits as part of St. Kate’s classes; research projects with St. Kate’s classes; Citizen Katie Day; and receiving The Presidents’ Community Partner Award from St. Catherine University in April, among many others!