Reframing Community Development Workshop

Yesterday, Mano a Mano hosted a workshop titled “Reframing Community Development: A Conversation among Faith Leaders in the Twin Cities.” The workshop was hosted by Mano a Mano co-founder Joan Velasquez, Ph.D., and Janel Kragt Bakker, Associate Director of Collegeville Institute; and used Mano a Mano and sister church relationships as case studies to discuss international community development.

Workshop Presentation

This presentation below was the basic framework for the event on May 20th at the Mano a Mano office in St. Paul.

Gaining Ground Book for More Information

Thanks to those that attended! If anyone is interested in doing similar events with Mano a Mano, we would be happy to discuss. Mano a Mano’s book, Gaining Ground: A Blueprint for Community-Based International Development, gives a more detailed look into our community-based development approach (the book is available here) that was covered briefly in the workshop and presentation yesterday.

Gaining Ground recently won first place in the Inspirational Book category at the Midwest Independent Publishers Association (MIPA) Midwest Book Awards last week. Our co-founders Joan and Segundo Velasquez, and our Bolivian visitors who were in town, attended the awards ceremony, and we are thrilled for Gaining Ground to be recognized!

Joan and Segundo at the Midwest Book Awards last week.

Joan and Segundo at the Midwest Book Awards last week. Photo credit: MIPA Facebook page