Photos From Our Distribution Event on October 8th
Last Saturday, October 8th, Mano a Mano staff and volunteers distributed thousands of pounds of donated medical supplies to dozens of health organizations throughout Bolivia. These supplies were shipped from our Saint Paul, Minnesota warehouse. There is another distribution event scheduled for October 22nd, 2016 at Mano a Mano’s warehouse in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This is a long process that takes the efforts of many people in the US & Bolivia; thanks to everyone that has been a part of this project that will benefit thousands of people!
Watch The October 8th Distribution Event
Preparing for the Distribution
“At Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA), there is a warehouse that houses all of the unused medical supplies donated from the United States. Three times a week, volunteers gather to sort through the supplies and organize them for distribution to health care projects throughout Bolivia, including Mano a Mano’s network of clinics, other hospitals and organizations, and individual Bolivians.
“It’s for the benefit of everyone there, and they will use all of the supplies they receive from Mano a Mano’s donation,” said Janet Flores, one of the volunteers at the CEA. “At the hospital Beni, which doesn’t have a means of transportation, we can transport the supplies easily. They don’t have supplies available, and the distance, the transportation means we probably can’t bring patients to a closer city.”
Flores, along with five other volunteers and Mano a Mano Internacional President Maria Blanca Velasquez, worked from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. sorting through supplies on Saturday, Sept. 24. They also work on Tuesday and Thursday evenings…”
Learn more about the work that goes into preparing supplies for distribution HERE.