New Schools and Clinics in Bolivia – 2017

In the second half of 2017, our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia completed 2 new school projects and 4 new clinic projects in rural Bolivia. The goal of these projects is to provide access to health care and education for isolated communities, in order to ultimately improve people’s quality of life.

To date, Mano a Mano has completed 62 school projects and 161 clinic projects. Check out our project map detailing these and other infrastructure projects.

Each of these projects is a partnership, with many people working together – thanks to the local communities; municipal governments; donors and volunteers in the US, Bolivia, and other countries; and our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia that oversees and manages these health and education projects!

Below are brochures from each of these recent projects:

Guitarrani – 60th School Project


Kewinal – 160th Clinic Project


Litoral – 159th Clinic Project


Litus Pampa – 61st School Project

Litus Pampa

Morado K’asa – 162nd Clinic Project

Morado Kasa

Villa Pampa – 161st Clinic Project

Villa Pampa

Mano a Mano Projects

Learn more about Mano a Mano – why we started, our programs, why we work in rural Bolivia, how we work (which is very important for us) – and learn how you can be a part and make a difference.