Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia is making progress on a new clinic project in Sarufaya, Bolivia! This clinic is one of a handful of clinic and school projects currently underway.
- Chirusi School Project is Underway
- Guadalupe Clinic is 50% Complete
- Mano a Mano Clinics: 466,822 Patient Visits in the First Half of 2021
Sarufaya Clinic Construction – 55% Complete
Construction on the Sarufaya clinic began on July 22, 2021; it is expected to be completed in mid-November. Sarufaya is located in the municipality of Tarabuco, province of Yamparaez, department of Chuquisaca. The community has a population of 1,702 and is a 9-hour drive from Cochabamba. Thank you to our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia, who oversees the process of building clinics from start to finish; the local community of Sarufaya and municipal government of Tarabuco that will participate throughout the process; and Rotary District 5580 that provided the seed money that made this project possible! (The pictures below are from mid-to-late September 2021.)