Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia is making progress on a new school project in Kaspi Cancha, Bolivia. Kaspi Cancha is a community in the municipality of Tiraque, province of Tiraque, department of Cochabamba; it has a population of 870 (with a total of 1,682 residents in the area) and is located 49 miles from the city of Cochabamba.

Kaspi Cancha, Bolivia

The new school consists of 4 classrooms, and will provide a more comfortable environment for local students to learn and for teachers to teach. The Mano a Mano school is replacing the old adobe classrooms where the 93 students and 4 teachers in the community were based previously.

One of the adobe classrooms in Kaspi Cancha.

Construction began on November 21st, 2022 and is 85% complete.

Every Mano a Mano project is a partnership: thank you to our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia, who oversees the process of building schools from start to finish; the local community of Kaspi Cancha and municipal government of Tiraque that are involved throughout the process; and US funders that are providing the seed money that make this project possible!

The Kaspi Cancha school is 85% complete.

Construction Photos

Learn More About Mano a Mano School Projects