As the rainy season begins in the Andes region of Bolivia, our water reservoirs are filling up! Both Laguna Sulti (pictured here) and Jusku Molle (a few minutes’ drive from Laguna Sulti) are both completely filled with water and at capacity.

This is the primary purpose of our water projects – to collect water during the short 2-3 month rainy season from January-March and then have water available to communities during the 9 months where almost no rain falls.

Laguna Sulti reservoir filled with water.

Laguna Sulti reservoir filled with water.

The Laguna Sulti reservoir was completed in 2007 and provides access to water for 3,600 Bolivians; an expansion of the project is in the works for 2014.

Building the Laguna Sulti Reservoir – Video

Overview of Mano a Mano Water Projects

Check out an overview of the 7 major water projects Mano a Mano has completed HERE.