Hydroponics Garden at the Center for Ecological Agriculture

This week Mano a Mano hosted 66 kids from the Unidad Educativa Marina Nunez del Prado school at our Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA) in Cochabamba. Kids got to see a working farm first-hand (which for many kids living in the city is often the first time), and also see our hydroponics garden which is a new addition to the CEA.

Hydroponics Garden at the CEA

We are currently growing seedbeds of lettuce, which should be ready in 5-6 weeks.

The CEA provides tools and training to rural Bolivian farmers that improve food security and nutrition. It also hosts students from the Cochabamba area to learn more about the environment.

The Center for Ecological Agriculture Has Grown

New sections and tools continue to be added to the CEA. Check out its progression over the years here.

View of the CEA – March 2019