There was a nice mention about Mano a Mano from our neighbors at the Frogtown Green website.

Frogtown Green is a neighborhood coalition with the goal of making Frogtown ‘the greenest neighborhood in Saint Paul, Minnesota.’

We are happy to be a part of the Frogtown neighborhood after moving here in January and moving out of our co-founders’ home that was our office for our first 18 years in operation.

Global Focus, Local Environmental Impact

Many of Mano a Mano’s projects share a similar green and sustainable focus as Frogtown Green.

The project that started Mano a Mano – collecting donated surplus supplies and shipping them to Bolivia – has saved over 3.5 million pounds of supplies that would have ended up in Minnesota landfills and put them to good use in Bolivia.

Our last shipment of supplies arriving at the Mano a Mano hangar in Bolivia in April 2013, where other organizations were on-site to pick up supplies that we donated to them.

Our last shipment of supplies arriving at the Mano a Mano hangar in Bolivia in April 2013, where other organizations were on-site to pick up supplies that we donated to them.

Demonstration and Training Center

One of Mano a Mano’s newest projects is a demonstration and training center that will teach Bolivian farmers best practices for optimally utilizing their water supplies and maximizing their crop harvests. This project has a huge focus on utilizing every resource to the fullest, from saving and re-using every drop of water to having a biodigester. You can learn more about the project here.

One of the gardens in the demonstration and training center

One of the gardens in the demonstration and training center