Building the Levee Wall for the Maldonado Water Reservoir

The work of removing unwanted soil – in the area where the levee wall will be built for this reservoir – has been cleared and dug out/in about 4-5 meters deep along the whole way of the levee.

When completed, this project will make it possible for 96 subsistence farm families (about 600 people) to irrigate 250 acres of cropland and to water their livestock, as well as having water for household use.

These photos show Mano a Mano personnel drilling holes into the ground where the undesirable soil is being removed.  Once the holes have been drilled, about 5 meters deep, we are pumping in liquid cement or bentonite to seal the levee foundation area from any fissures.
Mano a Mano Engineer Boris Roriguez working on the Maldonado water reservoir.

Mano a Mano Engineer Boris Roriguez working on the Maldonado water reservoir.

Work is coming along well, although the high Andes weather is always challenging; with cold rain, snow, wind, and severe cold at this 14,000 foot elevation.

Levee Wall Construction Photos

The photos show the channel where unwanted soil was removed, using Mano a Mano’s backhoe and pumping/drilling equipment in the channel.

Learn More about Mano a Mano Water Projects

More information about the Maldonado water project is available HERE.

Watch the video below to hear from community residents benefiting from Mano a Mano’s most recently completed water reservoir in Wirkini: