The 3M Foundation has donated $500 to Mano a Mano in recognition of Mark Petzoldt and Ruben Velasquez’ commitment to the community.

Mark donated more than 100 hours to Mano a Mano last year, and has volunteered with Mano a Mano for our entire time in existence (he has won our Volunteer of the Year numerous times!). Ruben also donated more than 20 hours to Mano a Mano last year, and has been an active volunteer for a long time as well.

Mark loading wheelchairs on a shipment of donated medical supplies to Bolivia in Summer 2011

“3M employees and retirees generously give their time and skills to help others,” said Robin Torgerson, vice-president, 3M Community Affairs. “We are please to recognize their commitment to their communities.”

“Mano a Mano is very grateful for this generous support from 3M. We are always happy to recognize our volunteers who are such a critical piece to Mano a Mano’s success,” said Mano a Mano Executive Director Dan Narr.

As part of the 3M Volunteer Match, the 3M Foundation will donate $250 to eligible non-profit orgranizations for which a 3M employee volunteers 20 hours or a 3M retiree volunteers 25 hours or more per calendar year. For more information on this program, please contact 3M Community Affairs at 651-733-0144 or at their website.

Thanks 3M and our great volunteers!