We are so grateful to you for helping Mano a Mano continue to partner with Bolivian communities – on projects they request & ultimately own – to improve their lives. Mano a Mano’s biggest strength is our community-based partnership model – bringing many people together to accomplish things that none of us could do on our own.

Check out this quick video compilation highlighting some of what we did together in 2023:

Every activity, every project new or old, every event, depends on the dedication & effort of many people. As we look back at another busy and successful year in 2023, we want to thank you: the communities & municipal governments in Bolivia; the people, schools, churches, community organizations, and foundations in the US; the people from many other countries that support Mano a Mano; the core Mano a Mano staff & volunteers at all 5 of our counterpart organizations in Bolivia and the US.

Thank You For a Busy and Successful 2023!

Check out a longer review of our work in 2023 here.