Unloading Supplies in Bolivia: Stretchers & Garden Tools

Mano a Mano volunteer Ray W. is currently in Bolivia, and has been sending updates during his time there. He sent this one recently about their efforts unloading 99,000 pounds of surplus supplies that recently arrived from Minnesota:

A couple of highlights of the day….


Unloading the emergency stretcher donated by a volunteer fire and rescue department in Wisconsin thanks to Karen’s sister EMT Chris Kempen and her husband Mark….both volunteer fire fighters in Catawba WI. This was an awesome donation and it elicited smiles all around.


The second picture was a bit more personal for me…a pair of pick axes, post hole digger, shovel, and ice chopper all formerly owned by my dad who has been gone for some time now. Seeing these tools start a new life thousands of miles away moved this old romantic to a tear or two. Not sure what they’ll use that ice pick for…but I know they will use it.

A pair of pick axes, post hole digger, shovel, and ice chopper.

A pair of pick axes, post hole digger, shovel, and ice chopper.

Emergency stretcher donated by a volunteer fire and rescue department in Wisconsin.

Emergency stretcher donated by a volunteer fire and rescue department in Wisconsin.