Help Us Kick Off Group Sorting!

Mano a Mano International invites you to stop by our new warehouse and help with sorting donated medical supplies that will be distributed to Mano a Mano’s partner organizations in Bolivia. We started as an organization  in 1994 with the goal of saving surplus medical supplies from the landfill in Minnesota and shipping them to Bolivia, where we knew these supplies were desperately needed and could be used immediately.

Medical supplies flow_7_2011

Before our recent move to St. Paul, we held monthly sorting get-togethers, and we are very pleased to bring this group volunteer activity back!

We plan on holding group sortings on the last Friday of each month.

Please join us for our first meeting:

  • When: Friday, February, 22nd, 3-7pm
  • Where: 925 Pierce Butler Route, St. Paul, MN 55104
  • This time is open and flexible; you are welcome to come whenever and stay as long as you are able
  • Group sorting is open to anyone – please feel free to share this with anyone you know that might be interested

Please RSVP to:

Dana Dallavalle, Office Manager

[email protected]

(651) 457-3141

**Please note in your RSVP if you have not yet received an informational orientation.

We hope to see you there!