In 2018, the CEA provided agricultural/environmental training and education to 2,711 people.
Here are some recent examples from the past few weeks:

Two recent groups of visitors to Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA): Scouts visited to learn about local environmental challenges in Cochabamba and how the CEA works to address them through ecological agriculture (top); and local area students learn about different methods of irrigation (bottom).

Busy morning at Mano a Mano’s Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA): Maria is demonstrating the benefits of local irrigation methods to a group of visitors (mostly in the blue and red, center-right), and staff and volunteers are working on installing a new corral for chickens (the yellow sheet in the upper left).

When we started the Center for Ecological Agriculture (CEA) about 5 years ago, we barely generated enough organic/green material to make one pile of compost. In 2018, we made 39 piles (like this one), and our goal in 2019 is 70 compost piles.