Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia dedicated a new school project in Parko Khocha, Bolivia on Monday, November 18th, 2024! Parko Khocha is in the municipality of Vacas, Province of Arani, Department of Cochabamba, and is Mano a Mano’s 70th school...
In both Bolivia and Minnesota, Mano a Mano partners with many students and interns in many different ways in support of our Mission. Learn about a few of them working right now with Mano a Mano Internacional (one of our 4 counterpart organizations in Bolivia, in...
Last week, our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Bolivia dedicated a new health clinic and a new school in Bolivia! Dedicating a New Health Clinic in El Carmen, Bolivia – September 26th, 2024 Dedicating a New Health Clinic in El Carmen, Bolivia –...
Earlier this month, Mano a Mano achieved an important milestone. In the presence of David Quiroga, Presidente de la coordinadora de pueblos indígenas del trópico de cochabamba (President of the Coordinated Indigenous Communities of the Cochabamba tropics), and Damaris...
Our counterpart organization Mano a Mano Nuevo Mundo is completing work on a full septic system for the Chirusi Rosario school. Mano a Mano completed the Chirusi Rosario school in March 2022. This septic system will be finished within a month or so. Building a Septic...