Dedicating a New Water Well in Chirusi, Bolivia

Dedicating a New Water Well in Chirusi, Bolivia

Mano a Mano recently dedicated a new water well in Chirusi, Bolivia. The local Rotary Club of Cochabamba Norte was present at the dedication of the Chirusi Rosario water well project, which was supported with funding from the Rotary Club of Duluth Harbortown and many...
Building a New Water Well in Pampa Grande, Bolivia

Building a New Water Well in Pampa Grande, Bolivia

Mano a Mano is starting work on a new water well in Pampa Grande, Bolivia. Mano a Mano’s well-drilling machine and support equipment is now on site in Pampa Grande. This well will serve the rural community of Pampa Grande, in the municipality of Punata, and is...
Expanding the Laguna Sulti Water Reservoir for a 3rd Time

Expanding the Laguna Sulti Water Reservoir for a 3rd Time

In 2005 a Bolivian subsistence farmer in whose community Mano a Mano had built a school made this plea along with his neighbors. “Our plants produce little or die of thirst. A reservoir would hold enough rain so all of us could irrigate our fields. Then we would have...